Mississauga Salsa-Bachata Specialty Dance Workshops | Toronto’s World Class Professional Teachers


Beginners Welcome | Salsa Bachata LessonsIntermediate Bachata Salsa Lessons | Bachata Advanced Lessons | Salsa Specialty Group Dance

We offer a specialty of Salsa and Bachata workshops by Latin Energy’s instructors as well as local and international guest instructors. Please visit our schedule page or join our mailing list to ensure you receive notice about our special workshops.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Toronto salsa Bachata best dance intructors lessons latin school[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Beginners Salsa LessonsIntermediate Salsa Lessons | Advanced Salsa Lessons | Specialty Group Dance


Special Latin Dance Workshop Is back by demand!!!


1.5 hr workshops (90 min)

7-8:30pm Ladies styling boot camp!   

Tips on how to feel confident when you dance. Tips on why, how and when to style so you don’t miss a beat!

7-8:30pm Men Styling and Shines! 

Tips on how to look confident and impress the ladies on the dance floor

8:30-10pm Impressive SPINS & Dips! 

Spice up your dancing with some fancy spins and safe dips! Learn how to spin so you don’t get dizzy and loose your balance! Wow your partner with “leadable” tricks!

* One Workshop 90 min $35
* Both Workshops 3 hours $60 (Save $10)


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